What is Linguee?
The Linguee search results are divided into two sections. On the left hand side you will see results from our reliable editorial dictionary. The results are displayed clearly and offer you a quick overview of the translation options. On the right hand side, you will find example sentences from other sources to provide you with an impression of how your search expression has been translated in context.
Compared to traditional online dictionaries, Linguee contains about 1,000 times more translated texts, which are displayed in full sentences. , Linguee will show translations for expressions such as "strong evidence", "strong relationship" or "strong opinion", and even for rare expressions or specific technical terms.
What are the benefits?
- It contains approximately 1,000 times more translated texts
- Single word translations are displayed in a clear, user-friendly structure
- Linguee offers a great variety of contextual translation examples
- Its interactive user guidance facilitates the translation search: just move your mouse across a translation - matching example sentences will be displayed instantly
- The frequency of a translation is displayed and the most common translations are accentuated
- The source of an example sentence is shown as a link below the respective sentence
How do I use Linguee?
Attention! Linguee is not an automatic translator.
Where does the text content come from?
The vocabulary you see on the left hand side has been checked by our editors and is constantly enhanced manually.The majority of the example sentences you see on the right hand side is from the bilingual web, particularly from professionally translated websites of companies, organizations, and universities. Other valuable sources include EU documents and patent specifications.
A specialised computer program, a web crawler, automatically searches the internet for multiple language webpages. These pages are detected automatically, and the translated sentences and words are extracted. The texts are then evaluated by a machine-learning algorithm which filters out the high quality translations for display. This system is capable of autonomously learning new quality criteria from user feedback to tell good translations from bad ones. It has found out, for instance, that a page is usually machine translated if it contains the word "Wordpress" while many words are literally translated. Through this training process, our algorithm is continuously learning to find thousands of such correlations and reliably extract the best translations autonomously. Our computers have already compared more than a trillion sentences. At the end of the day, only the top 0.01 per cent, i.e. 100 million of the translated sentences, are retained.
What does the future hold for Linguee?
Soon, Chinese, Japanese, and other languages will follow.
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