Expériences de traduction ...
Blog de Michel Politis, Professeur au Département de Langues Étrangères, de Traduction et d'Interprétation de l'Université ionienne (Corfou - Grèce)

Σάββατο 27 Αυγούστου 2011

Απεβίωσε σε ηλικία 96 ετών ο Eugene Nida, ένας από τους μεγαλύτερους θεωρητικούς της Μετάφρασης του 20ου αιώνα

Dr Eugene Nida, a pioneer of Bible translation in the last century, died yesterday, aged 96.

Source: Wycliffe.org.uk

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Dr Eugene Nida, a giant and pioneer of Bible translation in the last century, died yesterday, aged 96. Of Dr Nida, our Executive Director Eddie Arthur, shared these thoughts:
“Though the average Christian may not have heard the name Eugene Nida, he is undoubtedly one of the most influential Christians of the last century. His legacy is found in hundreds, if not thousands, of Bible translations in minority languages around the world.”
This biography of his life and work below comes from the United Bible Societies, of whom Dr Nida was a respected leader.
For more than 50 years Eugene Nida was the leader of the translation program of the American Bible Society, and subsequently the intellectual leader of the global program of the United Bible Societies, as well as consultant to that organisation.
Dr Nida will be best remembered for the revolution he brought about in the field of Bible translation in the mid-twentieth century. The resulting impact on the growth and development of the Church continues to be felt as millions of people in hundreds of languages around the world have access to the Bible because of the approach he developed and promoted. Read more.
See: Wycliffe.org.uk

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