Expériences de traduction ...
Blog de Michel Politis, Professeur au Département de Langues Étrangères, de Traduction et d'Interprétation de l'Université ionienne (Corfou - Grèce)

Τρίτη 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

ΕΝΟΠΟΤΕΜ : Εμπειρική έρευνα στο χώρο της Επιστήμης της Μετάφρασης (Παρουσίαση και υλικό τεκμηρίωσης)

Παρουσίαση και υλικό τεκμηρίωσης του σεμιναρίου που διοργάνωσε το ΕΝΟΠΟΤΕΜ του ΤΞΓΜΔ του Ιονίου Πανεπιστημίου την Παρασκευή 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2011, στις 18:00, με θέμα: «Εμπειρική έρευνα στο χώρο της Επιστήμης της Μετάφρασης»

Ομιλήτρια: Μαριάννα Ραψωματιώτη, απόφοιτος ΤΞΓΜΔ (Μετάφραση & Διερμηνεία), απόφοιτος του Master Recherche en Traductologie της ESIT (Σχολή Μετάφρασης και Διερμηνείας του Παρισιού), υπότροφος της Γαλλικής Δημοκρατίας

  • Παρουσίαση Μαριάννας Ραψωματιώτη (pdf)
  • Εμπειρική έρευνα στη Μεταφρασεολογία (pdf)
  • La théorie interprétative de la traduction - origine et évolution : Marianne Lederer (pdf)
  • Le concept de déverbalisation : problèmes épistémologiques et méthodologiques : Marianne Lederer (pdf)
  • Experts versus novices : l’utilisation de sources d’information pendant le processus de traduction : Alexander Künzli (pdf)
  • Ερωτηματολόγιο (doc)
Τα συμπληρωμένα ερωτηματολόγια παρακαλώ να αποσταλούν στη Μαριάννα Ραψωματιώτη

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για την εμπειρική έρευνα (έρευνα πεδίου, ερωτηματολόγια, κ.ά.)
ΥΦΑΝΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Γ.Ν. & ΝΙΚΟΛΑΪΔΟΥ, K. E., Η στατιστική στην κοινωνική έρευνα, Gutenberg, Αθήνα, 2008, σσ. 38‐63.

Δικτυακός τόπος του ΕΝΟΠΟΤΕΜ:  https://sites.google.com/site/enopotem/home

Δευτέρα 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2011



Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs DIPRALANG-EA739, 7-8 juin 2012, Université Paul Valéry-
Montpellier III (France)
Date limite: 17 février 2012

Nous proposons d’interroger les choix de méthodologies pour la recherche en sciences du langage aujourd’hui : qu’étudie le chercheur, selon quels critères, quels positionnements théoriques, quelles approches? Faut-il considérer que le cloisonnement méthodologique et disciplinaire est nécessaire ou une approche transversale est-elle pertinente ? Comment le chercheur établit-il sa méthodologie ? A quelles contraintes fait-il face ? Ceci implique un positionnement du chercheur à divers niveaux : choix d’un cadre théorique et élaboration d’une hypothèse, observation et collecte de données, analyse de ces données et des résultats. Chacun de ces éléments constitue un axe dans lequel peut s’inscrire le communicant.

AXE 1 : épistémologie, histoire des méthodologies de recherche et positionnement théorique du chercheur 
Il semble pertinent de considérer l’histoire de l’apparition et du développement de sous-domaines disciplinaires en sciences du langage, ainsi que de la multiplication des approches et des positionnements. Par qui et comment les diverses méthodologies ont-elles été inspirées, formulées, développées ? Peut-on envisager un lien de cause à effet entre sous-disciplines et hétérogénéité méthodologique ?

AXE 2 : pratiques de recueil de corpus : comment échantillonner, quelles contraintes ? 
Le second axe met en avant la collecte des données : lesquelles, pour quels terrains et selon quelles théories et quel(s) point(s) de vue ? Quels sont les différents types de corpus ? La collecte des données estelle guidée par le choix du thème ? Une fois l’objet choisi, quelles sont les différentes méthodes de collecte des données ? Sont-elles à opposer, à confronter, à homogénéiser, à mettre en regard, à critiquer ?

AXE 3 : pratiques analytiques
Une fois les données recueillies, la multiplicité des approches concerne également la manière de traiter et d’analyser ces données. Quelles sont ces différentes approches ? Doit-on les opposer ou envisager une complémentarité ? Quels sont les effets en retour des matériaux recueillis sur le point de vue adopté par le chercheur ?
Échantillonnage, observation (paradoxe), attestation d’un fait linguistique, holisme/individualisme méthodologique, hypothèse, corpus, réfutabilité, type de données, épistémologie, analyse de discours, subjectivité, positionnement, corpus longitudinal/transversal, méthode qualitative/quantitative/descriptive, statistiques, histoire des idées linguistiques et des méthodologies, transversalité, recherche-action, comparatisme.
Comité scientifique :
Carmen Alen-Garabato, Nathalie Auger, Jacqueline Authier-Revuz, Henri Boyer, Jacques Brès, Alain Coianiz, Delphine Denis, Alexandre Duchêne, Mohamed Embarki, Rainer Enrique Hamel, Bruno Maurer, Gisèle Pierra, Jean-Marie Prieur, Gilles Siouffi
Comité d’organisation :
Abdulwahab Alsharafi, Brahim Azaoui, Amandine Denimal, Virginia Garin, Madhura Joshi, Virginie Polge-Loï,Guillaume Roux, Denis Stoumen, Maude Vadot
Modalités :
Le colloque se déroulera à l’Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier, les 7 et 8 juin 2012. Les propositions (200-500 mots) seront accompagnées d’un titre provisoire, de deux ou trois références bibliographiques et de 4-5 mots-clés, du nom de l’auteur, de l’intitulé de la thèse, du laboratoire de rattachement, de l’université et du nom du directeur de recherches. La date limite pour la réception des propositions est fixée au 17 février
Chaque proposition sera évaluée anonymement par deux membres du comité scientifique et la date de retour des propositions (acceptées ou non) est établie au 23 mars 2012.
Les propositions sont à envoyer à l’adresse suivante : montp3.cjc.2012@gmail.com

Διεθνές συνέδριο: « Intercompréhension: compétences plurielles, corpus, intégration »

Université Stendhal Grenoble3 (France), ‐ 21‐ 23 juin 2012

Date limite: 9 janvier 2011

Le colloque de didactique des langues « Intercompréhension : compétences plurielles, corpus, intégration » qui se tiendra à l’Université Stendhal-Grenoble3 du 21 au 23 juin 2012 vise à faire le point sur la diffusion du concept d’intercompréhension (dorénavant IC) et des pratiques qui lui sont attachées depuis une vingtaine d’années. Il donne suite à deux colloques internationaux organisés à Lisbonne (pt) en 2007 et à Augsburg (de) en 2010, le 1er dans le cadre d’une "Mesure d’accompagnement Socrates" européenne, le deuxième dans le cadre du projet-réseau européen Redinter (54 partenaires) relevant de l’activité-clé transversale n°2 du programme européen Lifelong Learning Programme (www.redinter.eu).

Les travaux sur l’intercompréhension en didactique des langues prennent pour référence une modalité de communication spontanée ou décidée par les interlocuteurs, constatée dans diverses situations de contacts de langues où « chacun parle sa propre langue et comprend celle de l’autre » (désignée comme mutual intelligibility en anglais).

Cette modalité de communication « naturelle », posée comme entrée, finalité, déclencheur ou soutien des apprentissages, donne lieu depuis 20 ans à des initiatives, notamment sur le plan pédagogique, qui présentent un certain nombre de points communs (accent sur les compétences réceptives, les connaissances préalables et les stratégies d’apprentissage et, le plus souvent, sur la parenté linguistique) pour développer des compétences langagières ou pour faciliter la communication. Lors de ce colloque, il s’agira d’explorer, analyser, comparer et caractériser les pratiques initiées sur divers terrains pour mettre en oeuvre cette approche plurielle.

Cela se fera autour de 3 thématiques :
• Développement du répertoire de compétences plurielles et leur évaluation
• Constitution et exploitation des corpus, en amont ou en aval des situations d’IC
• Intégration des formations, démarches et pratiques intercompréhensives
Site du colloque: http://ic2012.u-grenoble3.fr/index.php?pg=1&lg=fr

Σάββατο 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Έκθεση: La condition du traducteur en France


La condition du traducteur

Auteur(s) :
    • ASSOULINE Pierre
Editeur :
  • Centre national du livre
Date de remise : Juillet 2011
Réf. : 114000467
170 pages
Pour lire les rapports vous avez besoin d'un lecteur PDF comme Adobe Reader (Acrobat) ou un logiciel libre
PDF - 4,33 kB
Le rapport dresse un bilan de la profession de traducteur. Il revient notamment sur la formation, la rémunération, les aides du Conseil national du livre et les relations entre traducteurs et éditeurs.

Διεθνές συνέδριο: Traduction : politiques et stratégies dans la gestion de la glottopolitique, Paris, février 2012

Traduction : politiques et stratégies dans la gestion de la glottopolitique
Paris, février 2012

Dans le but de faciliter la participation active des professionnels, langagiers et chercheurs des deux côtés de l’Atlantique, ce colloque international se tiendra en deux temps : d’abord à l’ISIT (Paris) les 15 et 16 février 2012 et ensuite à l’Université McGill (Montréal) en mars 2012.

Les langues du colloque seront le français et l’anglais.

Informations et Appel à communication (date limite : 15 octobre 2011)


Bulletin d’inscription (avant le 27/01/2012)

Liste d’hôtels (proches du lieu du colloque)

Τετάρτη 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

Ενδιαφέρον υλικό για όσες/όσους μεταφράζουν ιατρικά κείμενα : Ευρωπαϊκές Οδηγίες για την πιστοποίηση αιτιών θανάτου

- Εγχειρίδιο για τη ιατρική πιστοποίηση αιτιών θανάτου στην Ευρώπη
(Μέγεθος αρχείων: Ελληνικά - 3.97ΜΒ, Αγγλικά - 1.14ΜΒ)
- Προσχέδιο Ιατρικού Πιστοποιητικού Θανάτου  905 KB / Draft Death Certificate - 905 KB
- Φυλλάδιο Οδηγιών - EL 461 KB - EN 137 KB


Ευρωπαϊκές Οδηγίες για την Πιστοποίηση Αιτιών Θανάτου

Μέσα στα πλαίσια των προσπαθειών για βελτίωση των στατιστικών θνησιμότητας στην Κύπρο, η Μονάδα Παρακολούθησης Υγείας του Υπουργείου Υγείας γνωστοποιεί στους γιατρούς και ιατροδικαστές τα πιο κάτω έντυπα.
    1. "Instructions for completing the medical part of the death certificate". Αυτό είναι ένα "Φυλλάδιο οδηγιών" για την Πιστοποίηση Αιτιών Θανάτου που έχει πρόσφατα ετοιμαστεί για λογαριασμό της Eurostat.
    2. "Προσχέδιο Μετάφρασης/Προσαρμογής" του πιο πάνω "Φυλλαδίου Οδηγιών" για την Πιστοποίηση Αιτιών Θανάτου. Αυτό, έχει ετοιμαστεί από την Μονάδα Παρακολούθησης Υγείας και είναι βασισμένο πάνω στο πιο πάνω πρότυπο. Δεν πρόκειται για ακριβή μετάφραση αλλά για προσαρμογή στην Κυπριακή νομοθεσία και διαδικασίες.
    3. "Προσχέδιο Νέου Ιατρικού Πιστοποιητικού Θανάτου" που προτείνεται από την Μονάδα Παρακολούθησης Υγείας για εισαγωγή στην Κύπρο.
    4. "Εγχειρίδιο για τη ιατρική πιστοποίηση αιτιών θανάτου στην Ευρώπη". Το εγχειρίδιο αυτό, όπως και το φυλλάδιο, ετοιμάστηκε για λογαριασμό της Eurostat. Παρέχει γενικές οδηγίες καθώς και πολλά παραδείγματα ορθά συμπληρωμένων πιστοποιητικών θανάτου. Στο εγχειρίδιο υπάρχουν ορισμένα κενά για συμπλήρωση από την κάθε χώρα μέλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ανάλογα με τη δική της νομοθεσία. Αυτό θα γίνει, για την Κύπρο, σε εύθετο χρόνο. Προς το παρόν κρίνεται αναγκαίο να γνωστοποιηθεί η ύπαρξη του εγχειριδίου σε όλους τους γιατρούς της Κύπρου, που συμπληρώνουν πιστοποιητικά θανάτου, σε μια προσπάθεια έγκαιρης βελτίωσης της ποιότητας των πληροφοριών που συλλέγονται σχετικά με τις αιτίες θανάτου, για το έτος 2005.
Οι γιατροί μπορούν επίσης να ενημερώνονται στην ιστοσελίδα του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος Εκπαίδευσης για την Πιστοποίηση Αιτιών Θανάτου.

Πηγή: Υπουργείο Υγείας Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας

Κυριακή 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT “Subtitles and Language Learning”, Pavia 13th - 14th September 2012

“Subtitles and Language Learning”
Pavia 13th & 14th September 2012


The University of Pavia is hosting the International Conference “Subtitles and Language Learning”, whose aim is to disseminate the results of a three-year project - November 2009 – November 2012 - co-financed by the EU as part of the Life Long Learning Programme managed by EACEA (European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency - Agreement Number 2009–4041/001-001, Project Number 504737-LLP-1-2009-1-FI-KA2-KA2NW).

Since a considerable number of EU projects confirm that subtitles provide a rich context for foreign language acquisition, all European and international researchers engaged in the study of the function of subtitles in second/foreign language learning are welcome to the conference.

Please visit the conference website: www.unipv.it/sllconf

e-mail - subtitles@unipv.it You can find us on Facebook: International Conference – Subtitles and Language Learning

Signed Language Interpreting Preparation, Practice and Performance

Signed Language Interpreting
Preparation, Practice and Performance
Edited by Lorraine Leeson, Svenja Wurm and Myriam Vermeerbergen
ISBN 1-905763-33-6, £22.50 (inc. postage and packing)
Published December 2011, 166 pages

Signed language interpreting continues to evolve as a field of research. Stages of professionalization, opportunities for education and the availability of research vary tremendously among different parts of the world. Overall there is continuing hunger for empirically founded, theoretically sound accounts of signed language interpreting to inform practice, pedagogy and the development of the profession.
This volume provides new insights into current aspects of preparation, practice and performance of signed language interpreting, drawing together contributions from three continents. Contributors single out specific aspects of relevance to the signed language interpreting profession. These include preparation of interpreters through training, crucial for the development of the profession, with emphasis on sound educational programmes that cover the needs of service users and the wide-ranging skills expected from practitioners. Resources, such as terminology databases, are vital tools for interpreters to prepare successfully for events. Practice oriented, empirical investigations of strategies of interpreters are paramount not only to increase theoretical understanding of interpreter performance, but to provide reference points for practitioners and students. Alongside tackling linguistic and pragmatic challenges, interpreters also face the challenge of dealing with broader issues, such as handling occupational stress, an aspect which has so far received little attention in the field. At the same time, fine-grained assessment mechanisms ensure the sustainability of quality of performance. These and other issues are covered by the eighteen contributors to this volume, ensuring that the collection will be essential reading for academics, students and practitioners.


Graham Turner

Hey Presto! Preparation, Practice and Performance in the World of Signed Language Interpreting and Translating
Lorraine Leeson, Svenja Wurm and Myriam Vermeerbergen
This paper introduces the volume by reflecting on the current state of research and training in the field of signed language interpreting and translating. While the discipline has been successful in maintaining a relevant relationship with the practice and profession, noticeable, for example, in the growing number of practisearchers and a traditional focus on vocationally-oriented training, there is still a need for producing rigorous empirical and theory driven research more consistently. Outlining the importance of adequate, research-informed training of interpreters, the authors argue that research should produce outcomes that (1) feed directly into teaching by describing the skills and strategies that interpreters need to develop, (2) provide technical tools to be used by interpreters or trainees, and/or (3) expand our understanding of interpreting practices, the role of the interpreter and the interpreting context. Setting the scene for the subsequent papers of the volume, this introductory chapter thus argues for a sustainable research basis that will eventually close the research-training-practice cycle.
Becoming the Ears, Eyes, Voice and Hands of Someone Else: Educating Generalist Interpreters in a Three-year Programme
Sonja Erlenkamp, Guri Amundsen, Sigrid S. Berge, Trine Grande, Odd Morten Mjøen, and Eli Raanes
This paper provides a brief introduction to various aspects of the educational model used in the interpreter education programme in Trondheim, Norway. The choice and development of the model is based on the need to integrate several different forms of communication used by three groups ? deaf, deafened, and deafblind people ? in a three-year bachelor programme. In answer to this challenge, the educational team chose to combine and further develop a socio-cultural model of language and communication with cognitive linguistic theories. The advantage of this model is that the basic understanding of communication and the analytic strategies used in the model are independent of the particular communication form and can thus be used as tools for the interpreter student?s training for all of the communication forms they need to acquire. Furthermore, the approach to each communication form needs to be consistent with the programme?s perspective on the interpreter?s role and function in the profession. Thus the programme has been designed as a holistic approach, where the various aspects of interpreting between different communication forms are understood through the same socio-cultural communication model. In this paper, the key concepts of this educational model will be presented and the advantages and challenges will be discussed.
The Prolibras Test as an Assessment of Brazilian Sign Language Interpreters Proficiency: A Critique
Maria Cristina Pires Pereira and Cátia de Azevedo Fronza
This paper focuses on the issue of testing language or translating and interpreting proficiency among Brazilian Sign Language interpreters, and specifically on the recently introduced Prolibras test, which is a standardized tool of assessment. The main purpose is to explore whether a single test of translation and interpreting proficiency is valid for both Brazilian Sign Language interpreters and teachers of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The authors also ask whether there is consistency (both theoretical and in practical terms) between the proficiencies assessed and their effective application. A number of features of Prolibras are analyzed and compared to the Sign Language Proficiency Interview, SLPI, (Caccamise and Newell 2007, 2011) applied in the United States, a typical language proficiency assessment. The results provide evidence that the Prolibras professional certification process demonstrates some features of a language test, but for several reasons (which are outlined in the article) it should not be considered a valid assessment of interpreting proficiency.
Types of Errors in the Learning of Spanish Sign Language as a Second Language: The Effect of Age and Experience
Isabel R. Rodriguez Ortiz
Previous studies have shown that people who learn a signed language earlier in life make fewer errors when trying to understand a signed message than people who are exposed to a signed language later. Typically, native signer errors are most frequently semantic in nature, while late signer errors tend to be phonological in nature. Semantic errors positively correlate with recall of a signed message, while phonological errors have a negative correlation. With a sample of 35 hearing persons who have a good command of Spanish Sign Language, this study sets out to explore whether hearing late signers behave similarly to deafened adults who learn a signed language as an L2 with respect to the type of errors they make during comprehension tasks. The paper also examines whether comprehension correlates with specific errors for hearing late learners of a signed language and if length of time using a signed language has any effect.
Being There: Role Shift in English to Auslan Interpreting
Della Goswell
This paper investigates the use of ?role shift? by interpreters working from spoken English into Australian Sign Language (Auslan). Role shift is a high-order linguistic skill which students typically find difficult to master. The study looks at possible source text (ST) motivations for its use by four skilled signed language interpreters in an English to Auslan interpreting task, with a view to later pedagogical application. Auslan target texts (TT) rendered by the interpreters were mapped against the English ST using ELAN annotation software. Salient features of the role shift generated by the participants are documented, including: incidence of role shift, native/non-native signer advantage, persona adopted, constructed action versus constructed dialogue, and length and intensity of role shift. Examination of ST segments which trigger role shift in the TT reveals that agent-focused active clause constructions in particular require little manipulation and most readily lead to role shift outcomes. Passive constructions, nominalizations and complex/higher register segments, however, are frequently re-structured into simpler active clauses, with role shift incorporated (or not). The data does not support a strict cause-effect relationship between any particular ST feature and the production of role shift in the TTs; rather, it points to the need for interpreters to recognize ready opportunities for inclusion of role shift, and/or to reconfigure the ST content and form, with role shift as a further layer of depiction.
Interpreting (Im)politeness Strategies in a Media Political Setting
Flora Savvalidou
This paper investigates the (im)politeness strategies employed by the candidates for the office of Prime Minister in a media political debate in Greece and their rendering in Greek Sign Language by the signed language interpreter. Drawing on the concept of face (Goffman 1967) and politeness theory (Brown and Levinson 1987), the study explores the interpreter?s strategies of omission, addition, substitution and paraphrasing (Leeson 2005) and how they potentially influence the target text and hence the deaf viewers? perception of the two candidates. Based on a small corpus (30 minutes of the 90-minute debate) the author provides preliminary qualitative evidence that the candidates? (im)politeness strategies can be undermined when mediated through an interpreter. The findings of the study suggest the need for raising interpreters? awareness of (im)politeness strategies and how these are used by both hearing and deaf participants in an interaction with the aim of preserving face.
Medical Signbank: A Cure-all for the Aches and Pains of Medical Signed Language Interpreting?
Jemina Napier, George Major and Lindsay Ferrara
Language, cultural and educational impediments in the effective use of signed language interpreters in medical and mental health service delivery have been identified by Australian researchers (Cornes and Napier 2005; Napier and Johnston 2005), but until 2008 no linguistic research had been carried out in Australia on signed language interpreter-mediated medical encounters. This paper described an Australian project that involves the development of an innovative web-based interactive multimedia dictionary and database of Auslan. It was designed to create an effective, accepted and shared signed language vocabulary for the discussion of medical and mental health issues by deaf clients and health professionals, mediated through Auslan interpreters. The conceptual framework was language planning and development within a small linguistic community of ?limited diffusion?. The technology enables the direct participation of interpreters, deaf people and medical practitioners in a project managed by linguists, signed language interpreters, and language service providers (the National Auslan Interpreter Booking and Payment Service, and the New South Wales Health Care Interpreting Service). The paper outlines the progress of the project, and specifically reports on findings from surveys and discussions conducted with interpreters about the strategies they use to deal with medical terms that have no Auslan equivalents, and their thoughts on challenges in medical interpreting.
A Magical Profession? Causes and Management of Occupational Stress in the Signed Language Interpreting Profession
Ali Hetherington
The absence of literature on occupational stress in the signed language interpreting profession implies that such stress is either absent from, unrecognized by, or indeed considered unproblematic by the profession. This study aims to counter this perception and uses interpretative phenomenological analysis to gain insight into the experience of occupational stress amongst a sample of signed language interpreters in the North West of England. The findings suggest two significant causes of occupational stress for signed language interpreters. Firstly, the expectation that the interpreter performs ?magic? contrasts greatly with the participants? own accounts of the complexity of their role and the responsibility they feel to ensure effective communication occurs. Secondly, interpreting can have considerable emotional and psychological impact on interpreters, exacerbated by working in isolation in the community without organizational support. Finally, this paper puts forward an argument for supervision as a beneficial means of on-going reflective practice and support for the signed language interpreting profession.

Notes on Contributors


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Σάββατο 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2011

CALL FOR PAPERS : Formal Ontologies in Information Systems (FOIS 2012) July, 24-27, 2012 in Graz, Austria

FOIS 2012, Jul 24-27, Graz, Austria
DEADLINE: Conference paper submission: Jan 31, 2012 (in ca. 8 weeks)

[1] http://purl.org/icbofois2012

Seventh International Conference on

Formal Ontologies in Information Systems (FOIS 2012)
July, 24-27, 2012 in Graz, Austria

held together with the

Third International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2012)


Ontology, originally a fundamental part of philosophical enquiry, is concerned with the analysis and categorization of what exists. In recent years, however, a complementary focus of ontological inquiry gained significant momentum fueled by the advent of complex information systems which rely on robust and coherent representations of their subject matter. The systematic study of such representations, their reasoning techniques and their relations to reality, are at the center of the modern discipline of formal ontology.

Formal ontology in this modern sense is now a research focus in such diverse domains as conceptual modeling, database design, software engineering, organizational modeling, artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, the life sciences, bioinformatics, geographic information science, knowledge engineering, information retrieval, and the semantic web. Researchers in all these areas increasingly recognize the need for serious engagement with ontology, understood as a general theory of the types of entities and relations making up their respective domains of enquiry, in providing a solid foundation for their work.

The FOIS conference is designed to provide a meeting point for researchers from all disciplines with an interest in formal ontology. The conference encourages submission of high quality articles on both theoretical issues and concrete applications. As in previous years, FOIS 2012 is intended as a nexus of interdisciplinary research and communication [1].

The FOIS conference series [2] began with the first meeting in Trento, Italy in June 1998 followed by meetings in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010. The seventh FOIS conference will be held in Graz, Austria July 24-27, 2012, in conjunction with the third International Conference on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO 2012) [1].

FOIS is the flagship conference of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA) [3], which is a non-profit organization the purpose of which is to promote interdisciplinary research and international collaboration at the intersection of philosophical ontology, linguistics, logic, cognitive science, and
computer science, as well as in the applications of ontological analysis to conceptual modeling, knowledge engineering, knowledge management, information-systems development, library and information science, scientific research, and semantic technologies in general.


We seek high-quality papers on a wide range of topics. While authors may focus on fairly narrow and specific issues, all papers should emphasize the relevance of the work described to formal ontology and to information systems. Papers that completely ignore one or the other of these aspects will be considered as lying outside the scope of the meeting. Topic areas of particular interest to the conference are:

Foundational Issues

* Kinds of entity:
particulars/universals, continuants/occurrents,
abstracta/concreta, dependent/independent entities,
natural objects/artifacts
* Formal relations: parthood, identity, connection, dependence,
constitution, subsumption, instantiation
* Vagueness and granularity
* Identity and change
* Formal comparison among ontologies
* Ontology of physical reality (matter, space, time, motion, ...)
* Ontology of biological reality (genes, proteins, cells,
organisms, ...)
* Ontology of artifacts, functions and roles
* Ontology of mental reality and agency (beliefs, intentions,
emotions, ...)
* Ontology of social reality (institutions, organizations, norms,
social relationships, artistic expressions, ...)
* Ontology of the information society (information, communication,
meaning negotiation, ...)
* Ontology and Natural Language Semantics, Ontology and Cognition

Methodologies and Applications

* Top-level vs application ontologies
* Ontology integration and alignment; role of reference ontologies
* Ontology-driven information systems design
* Ontological foundations for conceptual modeling
* Ontology-based application systems
* Requirements engineering
* Knowledge engineering
* Knowledge management and organization
* Knowledge representation; Qualitative modeling
* Computational lexicons; Terminology
* Information retrieval; Question-answering
* Semantic Web; Web services; Grid computing
* Domain-specific ontologies, especially for:
Biomedical science, E-business, Enterprise integration,
Engineering, Geography, Law, Library science, Linguistics, ...


Steven R. Ray (Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, California, USA)
Laure Vieu (CNRS-IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Edward N. Zalta (Stanford University, California, USA)


We are calling for papers to be considered for inclusion in FOIS 2012.

Conference paper submission: Jan 31, 2012
Conference paper notification: Mar 08, 2012
Camera-ready conference papers: Mar 24, 2012

Workshop paper submission: Mar 15, 2012
Workshop paper notification: Apr 15, 2012
Camera-ready workshop papers: Jun 30, 2012

Conference dates: Jul 24-27, 2012


Submitted papers must not exceed 14 pages, including the bibliography
and an abstract of no more than 300 words.
Papers should be submitted electronically as PDF files prepared in
accordance with the IOS formatting guidelines [4].

Submissions should be made via Easychair at the following address:

[5] https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=fois2012

Proceedings will be published by IOS Press and will be available at the
time of the conference. Please note that at least one author must
register for the conference in order for an accepted paper to be
published in the proceedings.


Conference chair:
Michael Gruninger (University of Toronto, Canada)

Program chairs:
Maureen Donnelly (University at Buffalo, USA)
Giancarlo Guizzardi (Fed. Univ. of Espírito Santo, Brazil)

Local organization:
Stefan Schulz (Graz University, Austria)


Achille Varzi (Columbia University, New York, USA)
Alan Rector (University of Manchester, UK)
Albert Goldfain (University at Buffalo, USA)
Aldo Gangemi (ISTC-CNR, Rome, Italy)
Alessandro Lenci (University of Pisa, Italy)
Antony Galton (University of Exeter, UK)
Barry Smith (University at Buffalo, USA)
Bill Andersen (Highleet, Inc., USA)
Brandon Bennett (University of Leeds, UK)
Carola Eschenbach (University of Hamburg, Germany)
Chris Menzel (Texas A&M University, USA)
Chris Welty (IBM Research, Hawthorne, USA)
Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton University, USA)
Claudio Masolo (ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy)
Colin Batchelor (Royal Society of Chemistry, UK)
Daniel Oberle (SAP Research, CEC Karlsruhe, Germany)
David Mark (University at Buffalo, USA)
Decio Krause (Fed. Univ. of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil)
Fabian Neuhaus (NIST, USA)
Florian Probst (SAP, Germany)
Frank Loebe (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Fred Freitas (Fed. Univ. of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil)
Frederico Fonseca (Penn State University, USA)
Gerd Wagner (Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany)
Heinrich Herre (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Jan Dietz (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Janna Hastings (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Jeffrey Parsons (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Jerome Euzenat (INRIA, Grenoble, France)
Jerry Hobbs (University of Southern California, USA)
Johanna Seibt (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
John Bateman (University of Bremen, Germany)
John Mylopoulos (University of Toronto, Canada)
John Sowa (Vivomind Intelligence Inc., USA)
Joost Breuker (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Ken Kaneiwa (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan)
Krzysztof Janowicz, (UCLA, USA)
Laure Vieu (CNRS-IRIT, Toulouse, France)
Leo Obrst (The Mitre Corporation, USA)
Leonardo Lesmo (University of Torino, Italy)
Maria Luiza Machado Campos (Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Mark Musen (Stanford University, USA)
Martin Doerr (Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece)
Mathias Brochhausen (Univ. of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, USA)
Mathias Samwald (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
Matteo Cristani (University of Verona, Italy)
Mauricio Barcelos de Almeida (Fed. Univ. of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Michael F. Uschold (Semantic Arts, Canada)
Michael Gruninger (University of Toronto, Canada)
Michael Sintek (DFKI GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany)
Michel Dumontier (Carleton University, Canada)
Natasha Noy (Stanford University, USA)
Nicola Guarino (ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy)
Olivier Bodenreider (National Library of Medicine, USA)
Oscar Pastor (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)
Paul Buitelaar (National University of Ireland, Galway)
Peter Rittgen (University College Boras, Sweden)
Pierdaniele Giaretta (University of Verona, Italy)
Pierre Grenon (Open University, UK)
Ricardo Falbo (Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil)
Riichiro Mizoguchi (University of Osaka, Japan)
Robert Hoehndorf (University of Cambridge, UK)
Roberta Ferrario (ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy)
Roberto Casati (CNRS-EHSS, Paris, France)
Stefano Borgo (ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy)
Terry Halpin (LogicBlox, Australia)
Terry Langendoen (University of Arizona, USA)
Thomas Bittner (University at Buffalo, USA)
Tony Cohn (School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK)
Ulrike Sattler (University of Manchester, UK)
Veda Storey (Georgia State University, USA)
Werner Ceusters (University at Buffalo, USA)
Werner Kuhn (University of Munster, Germany)
William McCarthy (Michigan State University, USA)
Yair Wand (University of British Columbia, Canada)


[1] http://purl.org/icbofois2012
== http://www.kr-med.org/icbofois2012
FOIS and ICBO 2012 website

[2] http://www.formalontology.org/
FOIS conference series

[3] http://www.iaoa.org
International Association for Ontology and Its Applications

[4] http://www.iospress.nl/authco/instruction_crc.html
IOS Press formatting guidelines

[5] https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=fois2012
Submission at EasyChair